Welcome to the Mira Space.
A space that is connecting the personal mind and the soul.
a space that is connecting the science and the spirituality.
a space that is connecting the past and the future.
a space that is connecting the modern human world and the ancient wisdoms.
In this space, we realise our true purposes and creative powers to manifest in our lives as co-creators.

Hi,I am Xianghua Jin 金香花 (Golden Fragrant Flower) .
My life has unfolded in three different complimentary stages.
Work life in my 20‘s; Family life in my 30’s; Spiritual life in my 40‘s.
After 10 years of working in Technology sector globally as software engineer and project manager, I had been a full time mum in London raising two beautiful children for 9 years. I believe children are our best spiritual teachers, through parenting, I learnt about life and the little child in me and am still learning.
Since the beginning of 2018, several unexpected events happened in my life in the circle of my families and friends that led me to a spiritual journey of self-discovery and deeper understanding of the world. From an absolute materialist, I became a believer of spirituality, as I couldn’t find explanations and answers any longer from the standpoint of my materialist self.
We are living in a very fortunate time that we can use technology to be all connected and access any information we ever wish for.
I am grateful for all the teachers and masters I have met through my awakening journey, Rumi, Laozi, Saint Fransis, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Sadhguru, Esher hicks, Bob Proctor, Barbara Marx Harbbard, Lestor levenson, Anita Moorjani, Isira, Thomas Troward/Geneviève Behrend, Greg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Florence Shovel Shinn, Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Sydney Banks and more. What I was struck with while studying their wisdoms was how they are saying the same thing. Different religions and belief systems seem to divide us in this world but their core is essentially the same and they all emphasise that we are all connected and our essence of being is Love.
And the discovery of Greg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Heartmath Institute brought me an overwhelming optimism that we can now use the science to explain the ancient and modern wisdoms of spiritualism.
In the fall of 2020, as I was ready to embark in my new journey to live with the light and contribute my gifts to the world, I created this space to share all that I learnt, hoping they will too spark light in you and bring the joy and miracles into your life.
I am a gifted polyglot, speaking fluent Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese and intermediate Italian.
My purpose of life I believe is to uplift as many people as possible in my life and help building a harmonious human world where people understand their purposes, feel empowered and creative, and live joyfully.
I am very much looking forward to getting in touch with you!